Saturday, July 31, 2010


On Wednesday, the water cooler we put in the back of the SUV leaked. I had my camera on teh floor of the back of the vehicle. For the morning, my camera was not doing well. In the dry, hot environment, by the afternoon it was working a little better, and was working perfectly in the evening. I took some photos of the moon over my tent, and then ran out of battery power. I tried to charge my re-chargable batteries, and put them back in, but the camera did not work. I also took a co-workers batteries and put them in the camera, and it still didn't work. I am pissed.

Thursday morning it rained so the roads were impassable. Our boss told us he had a project that needed done for a while. We were to dust all of the exhibits that are behind glass. The first 1/2 of the museum tour is a walk through time. It starts at the Pre-cambrian and goes to the Triassic. There were a couple dozen cabinets that had fossils in them and glass shelves that needed dusted. We got to hold all of the fossils that most can't and took some fun photos. I didn't because my camera broke! Luckily I have friends that will share. The afternoon we went up to WBS and tried to continue to pedestal.

After work, my friends decided that we should go to dinner. Some of them were leaving Friday and it would be our last night together. We all went to Butch's place in kirby and all six of us ate a buffaloe burger with cheese. It was delicious. We stayed chatting at the table until they closed. I then went back to the intern house and watched a video.

I asked my boss about getting an intermediate field certificate, but he said it would only happen if he watched me plaster something. Right now, there is nothing ready. We shall see. I did get basic certification today. At least I won't walk away empty handed.

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