Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 8

I began the day with a field crew knowing we would not have to deal with a kids digs today. I started to dig, and then we all realized together that no body had kept records of the bones found in CB. I grabbed the notebook and went to town. It took 3 hours to label every bone and fragment with whiteout and sharpie and put them in the book. I also took a few photos with a ruler and a whiteboard identifying the sample as well as giving a direction on it. I finally ran out of white board marker. There is still about 3 hours of work to go into photos and mapping the site. That may take place next week.

A group of people went up and jacketed the bone I had been working on. Since I seemed to be very good with the bones records, I stayed behind and cleaned up the site.

I then rained right at noon. That meant that we would spend an afternoon in the lab. I finally got time to work on my airtool skills. I did carve into the bone (a camarasaur fallange) a few times, but did make lots of progress. It felt good to put 4 hours in on a bone. I love it all here. I wish I could work here everysummer.

Maybe someday, I will.

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