Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday- Thermopolis in all its glory

Sunday I woke up at about 7 and decided to do a day in Thermopolis. I reorganized my car, read some of my book and fiddled around until 9 am. I drove into town to find a good breakfast. I found a little cafe that had ranch equipment and native art and clothing as decor. I had some very good pancakes and eggs. After breakfast, I went to Hot Springs State Park. It is local and free. I walked around the park, with the terraces of chemical deposition, the suspension bridge and the hot spring. The hot spring was reminiscent of Yellowstone, except that there was jus tone pool. As I was getting ready to leave, I found a sign post with a trail map. There was a 1 mile trail that wen through the buffalo pasture and climbed the hill. I took off on it and did about two laps. I was the only one I saw doing the trail. I hiked to the top of the hill and had a great view of the town below me. I hiked down, and just as I exited the trail, two other hikers started on it. I walked back to my car and decided to drive through the buffalo pasture to see the herd (they were a ways from the trail).
I then drove back to the campsite and decided to sunbathe while watching a movie on my computer. The internet connection was slow, so I would watch it 12 minutes at a time. Then the movie would stop for about 12 minutes, then back on. It took most of the afternoon. I then played a little guitar,read my book, etc. It was a relaxing day. I also showered and did some laundry. All of this I did shirtless and I sunburned the crap out of my back. Whoops.
I went to bed early applying aloe and meant to update but the internet went down. It was a nice day to recharge the batteries (my computers and mine)!

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