Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 14

Today, five of us went to WBS to try and pedestal and remove some bones that were in the quarry. Each of us took a seperate place and dug. I broke a bone into 7 different peices that were smaller than my hand, so I had a puzzle to put together early in the day. As I dug, I continued to find small fragment after small fragment and stopped my digging in case they were related. I literally could pick up two rocks and one of them had a frag. As I fought the bones, my coworkers found teeth of Sauropods and Therapods. After lunch we came back up and asked our boss to come and take a look. He told me that half of my pieces weren't that big of a deal and I could keep them, but a few looked like bones to keep. I labeled many and was not able to remove any, but I cleaned up my side of the quarry very well. Tonight I am going to a fellow volunteers house for dinner and conversation. I am excited about it. Tomorrow is my second to last day, and I may get certified in the field. Tomorrow evening we are going to barbeque together and then paint some signs late at night. Friday may be a shortened day and a few people are taking it off. I can't believe that I only have 2 days left. I love this work.

You can see how far you are moving each day. It sometimes is hard to see how far you have made a dent in the big picture, but it is satisfying to know that you are making progress toward your goal everyday. I enjoy the work and could see me getting into this work in the future. I have loved the workers here and appreciate every opportunity given me here at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center.

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