Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday July 8

Marie and I woke up in Patrick's apartment to find his med school roomates and him out for the morning. We ate some cereal and went to meet up with Marie's old roomate Melody and her boyfriend Ira. We walked through central park and found our way to the Guggenheim Museum. On display was the work of an artist Louise Bourgeois. The artist was inspired by childhood pain and a rocky relationship of her parents. It was an interesting display, and in side galleries there was work from more modern artist than we had seen. We saw Picasso, Lichtenstein, Jackson Pollock, and Andy Worhol. There was also a room full of paintings from the Bauhaus movement. This inspired an Oregon wine maker and he made wine with some of the art on display for his labels.From the museum we went to find Indian food. There is a whole street, 20th, that is called Curry Hill. We glanced at 3 menus and picked a vegetarian, Hallal friendly restaurant. The four of us settled on doing the lunch buffet and enjoyed a variety of dishes.
From here we walked to Strand Books. Supposedly, Strand books has the most books of any place in the country, but I think Powell's challenges it closely. Strand was packed pretty close together and the book shelves seemed right on top of each other in some places, but it was still large. We said our goodbyes to Melody and Ira in the aisles and went to Times Square to find Broadway tickets. Everyday at one location in Times Square, all the broadway shows put the tickets availble on sale for a reduced price. You can only pay with cash and they are on sale from 3-5pm. We showed up around 2:45 with the rest of the tourist crowds and slowly pushed through line. As we approached we realized we did not have enough cash. Marie stayed in line as I ran to find an ATM. I got back and Marie was almost at the window. I pushed money through the crowd and Marie was able to buy tickets as street hustlers were trying to give me advice on tickets for money. We bought two tickets to Avenue Q. I would describe it mostly as Seasame street for adults. We then took the subway back to Patrick's and we cooked dinner. A simple pasta with a big salad. After dinner, we rushed back downtown to see the show. We went to the Golden Theatre and laughed alot in the following 2 hours. As we returned to the apartments one of Patrick's roomates left the subway at the same time and walked us home. We sat up talking about medical school and Oregon. We went to bed late.

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