Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rockford Illinois

I arrived in Rockford about noon the next day and was greeted by my aunt Julie and my grandmother. They drove me back to my grandmother's house and I ate some lunch.  

One of my goals on this trip was to find out more about my extended family on my dad's side.  After lunch Grandma brought out about nine photo albums and we sat and went through them together.  I took notes on names, stories, places, and dates.  I learned much about my family including the fact that nobody knows my great-grandparents anniversary.  It was a taboo subject because there was a child out of wedlock in Sweden, and they came to the US.  My cousin Amy came over for dinner and brought her sister's guitar for me to play.  My uncle Carl came in after work to eat.  It was fun to visit with them, but they had to get ready for work in the morning.  After they left, I sat with my grandmother at her table and sang songs on the guitar for an hour or so before we went to bed.  

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