Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Last day in Rockford

I finished looking at photo albums my last full day in Rockford.  I took pictures of pictures to help me remember everything and wrote down notes.  I started a family tree online, and read accounts of my grandfather's dating and traveling.   

Julie and Grandma agreed to take us around town, and help us pick up a few things before we left.  We stopped and bought a blanket (trains are cold, despite the heat outside) and snacks for our last legs of the journey.  We then travelled to a peace memorial, which had flags representing all of the nations and languages that are represented in Rockford, Il.  It had quotes and a nice flower garden around the outside.  

We then went to Rock Cut State Park and saw a lake and a few trails. The water was extremely high and had almost completely covered an island in the lake.  We got out and walked a little bit then returned home.  

That night I spent hours with Julie, Carl, Amy and Grandma, showing off pictures and telling the stories of our travels.  

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