Friday, June 20, 2008

Day 3

We woke up a little earlier today and were out of camp by 10 am. We had five miles back to the car. I was sore and my planters fasciitis was starting to act up. We reached the car at 12:20 and returned to Eugene by 2:00. After a delicious burrito we headed to Corvallis to drop off Ryan and then made our way home to Carlton. Marie has been graciously waiting on me, as every step is painful. I will sleep on it and hope it will leave with time over the weekend.
At the end of our trip we saw multiple snakes, lots of birds, a deer, squirrels, skinks, and many wildflowers. On our hike out today there were more campers and the trail ran into full campsites that were empty on our hike in. It was a fullfilling few days and nice to get out in nature.
Tomorrow we will set about cleaning the house and tying up our final loose ends.

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