Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank God I'm a country boy

When I returned to the farm, my aunt Veronica and uncle Bart were still around. We spent a night talking family and life. It was fun to see them. The next day I spent a day wandering around the hills in our pasture looking for rocks. I found great examples of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. I found some interesting sandstone layers and think I may have found small fossils in the layer. I saved many rocks for hand specimens in my classroom.
The next day I stayed home as Mom and Dad went to work. I continued playing with ancestry stuff on the computer and was bored in the evening
so I walked to Antelope butte from our house. It was probably about a five mile hike or more, but I really enjoyed the walk with our dog Molly. I saw hawks, deer, rabbits, and lots of meadowlarks.
The next day I decided I was going to run to my uncle's house. It has always been a goal of mine. He lives about 12 miles away. I went to his house for lunch because I was trying to find places to stay later in my travels and our internet went down. I ate great chicken dinner from aunt Jerri and then walked out to the reservoir and our families grave site. I drove home and hydrated for my big run. At about 6:45 I took off with a camel back, two cliff bars and a powerade on my back. I ran about 4 miles and started feeling my heart beat and began to worry. I drank some water and walked for a bit, and calmed down. At 6 miles I stopped and rested for a bit. I ran 2 more miles and began getting sore. I had blisters on my feet and a sore knee. I knew I needed to keep going and luckily my uncle ran from his house to meet me and met me at about mile 9. I ran the rest of the way with him and his dog Otis. It was great. I ran the 12 miles in one hour and forty-five minutes.
The next day my knee hurt, but I played 18 holes of golf with my friends Owen and Allyn and loved my day in the sun.

I then drove to my friend Nick's baby shower at his farm. I stayed there until 1 am spending time with neighbors and friends.

On Sunday, my parents and I were going to float the river but the wind was blowing really hard. Mom decided to go to church and told Dad and I to go by ourselves.

We borrowed a kayak from my aunt Jerri and another from our neighbors. We drove up to Carter to put in and I strapped 2 water bottles to the back of my kayak. We put in and I tipped not 50 feet into the river. The man watching us would have told us to take out immediately. I floated a little farther and tipped again. I told my Dad to take my water bottles and I stayed up for almost the rest of the few hour trip. I realized the kayak was too small. I couldn't fit my knees into the boat and they were touching the whole time. It really worked my ab muscles and balancing muscles. My mom came and picked us up and we enjoyed a root beer float at the tasty freeze.

The next day, my last day at the farm, I hiked square butte with my uncle.

We left at 9:30 and got to the top at 11:30am. We walked around the top for 6 more hours, before going home. I loved the few days home and all the energy I was able to exert. I saw lots of my home town area and loved it.

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