Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I drove from Butte to Bozeman to visit some high school friends and see the museum of the Rockies. I had been when I was in 4th grade, but I don't remember much. The first night I was there, I stayed with my friend Taylor, who was a camp counselor with me in high school, and caught up on all our friends. I went bowling with her brother and his girlfriend, Katie, who I also counseled with.

We had a great time telling stories and laughing about the past. The next day, I went to the museum with Taylor. I remembered it being bigger, but I still enjoyed it. There were displays about the old west with Montana history and a great display of native artifacts. Then came the hall of the thunder lizards. For those of you who don't know, I love dinosaurs. I have been obsessed pretty much since 2nd grade. I loved the bones, and learning about the excavation process.

There are great displays of Triceretops, T-rex, and anklyosaurs. I was a huge fan. The next day I caught up with my buddy Matt over lunch and then drove back to the farm.

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