Thursday, November 27, 2008


Marie and I enjoyed a quiet lazy Thanksgiving alone in the house. We sat in our pajamas until about 4:30. We then ate and went out to the new Bond movie.

On Friday I went to NSTA (National Science Teacher Association) conference in Portland and met up with many of my graduate school classmates. At the end we decided to go to a bar and share a drink. My mother and my aunt were also coming in from Montana at the same time. They joined us for a brief reunion and then I drove them Carlton with me.

On Saturday Marie and I prepared a Thanksgiving feast with the help of her parents, my mom and aunt as well as some friends that we invited. We had a house full, twelve people, sharing our meal and our wine. We had delicious pumpkin pie and then people drove home.

On Sunday, after a meal of leftovers, Mom, Marie, Aunt Mary and I went to a winery for a tasting and then headed to Portland for a Joan Baez concert. The concert was great and Joan sang new songs as well as Joe Hill, Swing Low, The night they drove dixie down, long black veil, Love is a four letter word, and for her encore she sang amazing grace with the help of the crowd. It was a thrill and great to spend with my mother who is a huge fan.

Marie and I had to teach on Monday and Mom and Mary left early. Marie and I then had parent teacher conferences all this week. It was a good week. I met with many parents I did not expect to meet with, but had wanted to meet with.

I hope everyone has had a blessed thanksgiving and have many things to be thankful for. I know I do. PEACE!

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