Saturday, June 27, 2009


I went to the hospital Friday morning. They checked me in, hooked up an IV and then wheeled me to the radiology unit. They sprayed the back of my throat with this gross Banana tasting tranquilizer. It tasted like cough syrup on steroids. Then they injected my IV with the drugs. I don't remember much after, except swallowing a giant tube and then I remember them trying to get it out of my throat.

Evidently the doctor talked to me and told me all about my heart,....I remember nothing. I remember getting wheeled back to my room and asking if I could run a marathon and one of the nurses said that I probably shouldn't. I then came to slowly and Marie was there to witness. She wrote down all that the doctor told me so I have some information to take home. They will give me a copy of the procedure on Monday.

Here's what the Doc said. I have a nasty valve. I have a jet stream of blood that flows back into my heart after each beat. I have a bicuspid valve that is not dialating. Because I have no symptoms, we will have echos (not the TEEs) every year until they see enough to have surgery. Usually people don't need the valve replaced until the age of late 40's early 50's, but he said there is still a possibility I may need to replace it before the age of 30. I will be having a follow up appointment in October to discuss my results and my future with the doctor. I think he will ask if I have had any syptoms or not at that time as well.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. I will certainly keep everyone updated.

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