Saturday, September 20, 2008

Habitat Run

Marie and I took part in a 4-mile run for Local Habitat for Humanity. I have been running most of September and part of August. There were 2mile, 4 mile, 9 mile and 13 mile options. I ran the 4 mile and took 4th. I ran unofficially at 27:40. I am happy with under 7 minute miles. Marie ran around 32 minutes, so she made 8 minute miles. Lots of high school students were volunteers and it was fun to see them all out on a Saturday morning. We are headed to Portland tonight to watch a fellow teacher who plays in a band.
Next weekend there is a race called Trask Mountain Assault. I ran the race last year and it includes mud bogs, a 1/2 mile climb and muddy mountain trails. It is a 5k that is awesome. I am hoping to better my time from last year and complete the whole race running. I will post pictures and official times if I get them.

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