Sunday, September 13, 2009

Aug 4-8

I flew back to Denver and was picked up by my cousin Kim. She drove me back to Rhonda's house and my car. I stayed one last night in Denver and left early the next day for Dinosaur National Monument. The drive from Denver through Northern Colorado to Vernal Utah was one of the most gorgeous geology I have ever seen.

I had my foot wrapped before I left Denver and wore the Ace bandage for a couple of days. I stopped in to the fossil quarry visitor center and found out the quarry building was closed due to the ground moving and making the structure unstable. I found a campsite in Green river Campground and decided to get some food from Vernal. I set up camp and then drove into town (mostly I needed cash to pay for the site). I played guitar when I got back and hit went to sleep early.
I was the first one up in the morning and drove to a cabin at the end of the road.

I then stopped at Petroglyphs on the way back toward the quarry. The only fossils visible were on a 3/4 of a mile walk. I would have hiked it easily, except that I had a foot issue. I took a shuttle to the top and limped downhill. Families with little kids were flying by me. It was a little disheartening.

After I got my fill of fossils, I drove to Boise. I had a little stroke of luck. Every year I had been in Boise, I was there for college spring break. Some of my friends had left after college, but there was a wedding and everyone was in town! I stayed there two nights and drove back to Oregon on the 8th.

1 comment:

Marie Burns said...

Cory with a microphone.