Friday, May 15, 2009

my heart

I went in for my echo cardiogram on Thursday and they found that I have an enlarged valve that also leaks. I have an enlarged left ventricle as well. The doctor told me he wanted me in for a trans-esophageal scope to look at the other side of my heart. I will go in for this on June 26 and then the doctor will know more.

He told me that I will need surgery to replace my valve. We are not sure when but it seemed like not an immediate need, especially since I have no symptoms. He told me that at my age I will recover quickly, but it needs to be done in the next 2 or 3 years. I am imagining if it can be scheduled for this summer, I would take advantage of it.

I am covered through the school district, so I think I am in as good a spot as I can be in....except I need heart surgery.

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