Friday, May 15, 2009

my heart

I went in for my echo cardiogram on Thursday and they found that I have an enlarged valve that also leaks. I have an enlarged left ventricle as well. The doctor told me he wanted me in for a trans-esophageal scope to look at the other side of my heart. I will go in for this on June 26 and then the doctor will know more.

He told me that I will need surgery to replace my valve. We are not sure when but it seemed like not an immediate need, especially since I have no symptoms. He told me that at my age I will recover quickly, but it needs to be done in the next 2 or 3 years. I am imagining if it can be scheduled for this summer, I would take advantage of it.

I am covered through the school district, so I think I am in as good a spot as I can be in....except I need heart surgery.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Heart Murmur

I went to the doctor today and it turns out I have a heart murmur. He told me it is not too much to worry about, but scheduled me for a echo cardiogram for Thursday. They will be able to tell me more.

I went grocery shopping and brought in my own shampoo bottle. I filled it with bulk shampoo, but there was no price on the bottle. My cashier went back and found the price of the 2 gallon bottle and figured that was the price per pound. I then was charged $50 for a bottle of shampoo. I realized when I got home that I was charged too much. So I went back and got my money back. Never have I ever been charged so much for a bottle of shampoo.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Brody Theatre

Last week, Marie and I went for a friends birthday party to a theater in Portland that had an improv show called doomed to repeat it. A group of actors take a suggestion from the audience, research the topic for a week and then come back and do an improv show on the subject. Last week we saw the Overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. At the end of the show, Marie suggested they do a history of the pill. They took our idea and coming this week is the history of the pill. We are going to go see what they come up with.

Friday, May 8, 2009


My car recently went over 200,000 miles. I was able to film it while driving down empty streets in Mcminnville.

Greg Mortenson

Marie and I went to a talk by Greg Mortenson, the Author of Three Cups of Tea. He was a mountaineer who failed an attempt up K2, then stumbled into a small village emaciated, weak, and unbathed. The village elder took him under his wing and nursed him back to health. Greg saw that there were no schools and teachers, so he made it his personal quest to build them.

He has negociated with Militia men in Pakistan and has talked with all the Generals who have been in charge of Afghanistan. His book is required reading for soldiers and officers going to Afghanistan.

He was a great speaker and Marie and I stayed and got our books signed. He lives in Montana and we talked education and Montana for the 1 minute I had his attention at the book signing.

If you haven't heard about it, check out the Central Asia Institute.