Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama sign

Marie took down our Obama for president sign today. I guess it is ok. I still have a Kucinich poster in the window. The sign served as a snow gauge for us while it was snowing. We could see how deep our yard was getting buried by how much of the sign was left showing.

Life is good. I cleaned my desk up yesterday with all my loose papers from the last six months. As I found different photos, papers, cards, etc. that I wanted to keep I put them in a box filled with memorabilia. It is fun to reflect every once in a while and look at the past.
This week also teased me with a little sunshine. I am anxious for Spring now. I can't wait to get out and run. I am running now when it is sunny and with the Frisbee club at the high school, but I am excited to challenge myself through spring, summer and fall this year. The last two years I have started in August to try and get in shape. I am hopeful to run more this year.

The end of our fist semester is next Friday. I finished writing my final today and will review for a couple of days with my students. My last indoor soccer game is tomorrow.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This month started with a trip to Black Butte Ranch to celebrate the new year with Marie's Family. We spent New Years Eve eating, drinking, playing boardgames, and playing the new Wii that Marie's parents got for Christmas. On New Years day we watched football and enjoyed each others company. On the 2nd, which is Marie's sister's birthday we went to hoodoo ski area and did a cross country ski loop. We then drove into Bend and enjoyed Deschutes Brewery and visiting with a friend from grad school. Marie and I drove home on the 3rd to get ready for our first week back at school. We had a successful first week and the Friday there was a Led Zeppelin tribute band concert in Corvallis. I even got on stage to play Bron Yr Stomp during the encore to play the tambourine.
The next week I slowly got sick as Marie and I played soccer late on Monday in an indoor league, Tuesday I went to a comedy show in Portland, Wednesday I wrote my final, Friday I went to Eugene to spend the night with friends. I drove home Saturday and then Sunday celebrated Marie's birthday with friends up in Forest Grove. We played disc golf, pool and took a dip in a soaking tub. The whole week I had no voice which made it fun for my students and friends.
On Tuesday was the innaguration of Obama. Our school the coverage playing in pretty much every classroom and gathering space. It was nice to see students get excited, many of them too young to vote. Tuesday Night we had a few friends over to watch the Daily show. I found out that my brother, his wife and my sister all were at the Washington Monument to watch the ceremony. Amazing. I am now finding myself with a calm weekend leading up to finals week and the end of the first semester for our high school this year. I feel that it has gone well and my failure rate should be less than last year. I hope this 2009 finds all in good health and spirits. Let us be optimistic about where our lives are traveling and hope that in our times of struggles we find renewed hope and strength.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The rest of the holidays

Christmas day was fabulous. All of the siblings awoke and we opened presents before noon. It was all very civil and organized. We ate brunch and everyone went for a walk in the hills. We stopped by a cattle water tank to chop ice that had formed from a week of sub-zero weather. After we cleared a good half, we went back home and the boys made dinner. It was probably the first time we had all worked on a meal together without too much guidance from our mother and probably with the least amount of arguing!

The next day we went to Great Falls and visited cousins who drove to meet us halfway. We shared laughter, pizza and beer. The time spent together was way too short.
While in Montana Marie and I had fun skiing, snowboarding and just spending time with family. The day we left, the wind was howling and part of the drive to the train was in a white out. My brother Scott agreed to drive us while my other siblings left to Great Falls to depart. Marie and I boarded the train successfully, four hours after original departure time. As soon as we left the station we were told a freight train had derailed on the West side of the state and we would not leave the state until 10 am the next morning. When we got to Shelby Montana, the train stopped and our conductor told us because of avalanche danger, we would not leave Shelby for 7 hours. We were free to roam around town until then. Marie and I found a bar with a pool table and good bar food. We then went to a grocery store and a movie. It was a nice unplanned date in the middle of our vacation. We then got back on the train and slept mostly until Spokane. We walked around the platform there and had a chance to stretch our legs.
We finally arrived in Portland late at night and found our car with the chains still on. The snow had long since melted and it was raining. We drove home for a well deserved night sleep.