Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The rest of summer 2011, Recovery

It is amazing to be able to celebrate small milestones. 6 weeks ago today I had open heart surgery. That alone is incredible, but I will try and go through my feelings week by week.

Week 1: As I was in the hospital, and leaving I have these thoughts about the pain. Try to imagine you can't quite stand up straight, and you can only control your arms from the elbow down. Even then, you have no gripping strength, except maybe an eating utensil or a water bottle. I remember lots of spasms due to any muscle use, and would get hot and cold without warning. Mostly though, it was a lot of sleeping.

Week 2: As I stayed at the Schwartz's place, I think the biggest change was a little more energy, but the pain was different. I had the ability to move around more, and I could move my arms away from my body a little. I still couldn't lift anything. The first time I tried to pour myself a glass of milk, I remember terror running through my brain that I would 1) drop the milk, have it pour out and slip, or 2) pull on the chest muscles enough that it hurt my incision. At this point, I could only close doors from the front, not to the side at all. I couldn't open a bag of chips, any jars, and I could barely touch the top of my head.

One of the biggest indicators of feeling better was how well I could move to dry myself after a shower. The first shower after the hospital, I realized I had no way to dry off my back. It was a difficult task, and I don't remember how I accomplished it. I could not pick my arms up in a jumping jack motion, but I could bring them up in front of my body and dry my hair off. If I pushed too hard, pain would shoot through my pectorals and shoulders.

The other big pain at this time, was trying to sit up. I could only lay flat on my back. I could not sit straight up, as my abs were not strong enough, and my head was too strong for my neck and chest muscles to support like that. I would have to hug my heart pillow, roll to my side, and then push with my shoulder and side to right my self. The pain around my neck was fairly common. Trying to teach those muscles to respond to lift my head, made me feel like a newborn for a bit.

I also couldn't turn my head at all. If I was sitting in a chair with my back to the door, I could hear it open, but would have to wait for people to walk past my eyes for me to see them. I also did not have great lung capacity. I couldn't laugh loudly, and couldn't talk for too long. I improved daily on it, but it would hurt my rib cage to cough or laugh. The first time I sneezed, I was so worried about the pain, I was able to control the next one coming.

Week 3: This is when I returned to my apartment. I could walk more, and feel okay. A mile was pushing it and I would be sweaty and winded after wards. I slept on my couch and watched movies mostly, but I still had visitors almost everyday. Pain was mostly in my pecs, and my neck felt better. I was able to start laying on my side and get straight up instead of rolling. I still used my heart pillow constantly.

Week 4: This was the week, that I was truly bored. I really didn't have the energy to go for too long of walks, and I didn't have a project to keep me busy. I would get light headed after meals and exercise, but I could walk about a mile and a half. I couldn't stretch out my arms completely, and I couldn't pull them behind my body at all. Toward the end of the week I was finally able to lift them along the side of my body to my head, without much pain. I was cleared to drive this week as my neck muscle motion was much improved. I also picked up my guitar again!

Week 5: I finally started Physical Therapy and was able to raise my heart rate up enough to break a sweat. I had almost full mobility of my arms, but after using them, I would be sore at the sternum and need a nap. I was finally able to take really deep breaths without hurting here. Finally able to carry my own (limited amount) of groceries.

Week 6: This week I feel amazing. I have tremendous energy. I have thrown a frisbee, danced at a concert, and done physical therapy. I also vacuumed and moved my couches by myself. I also started chopping veggies, and cooking for myself again. Yesterday at Physical therapy I walked, biked, arm-biked and nu-stepped (a sitting eliptical) for 40 minutes with a pretty good heart rate. I get to start weights on Friday, and usually they don't start weights until week 8! I may even get to jog on Friday. I still take naps, and the only soreness I get is if I use a new muscle and it will hurt for about half a day. I think I will be all ready to go when the school year comes. It will be week 8 when I finally start. Usually Cardio rehab programs last months, but the nurses think I may be able to go to my regular gym by week 9. I will have to be careful about bench press and butterflies. Really I shouldn't do those lifts for a few more months.