Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

I am writing this mostly as a journal entry for myself but if anyone cares to take a look into the world of my holiday travels you are more than welcome to read along. I exited the school on the 17th of December at about 4 o' clock. I had submitted my grades for the last grading period and then was out to celebrate the holidays. I hung out with friends Friday night and made it back to my apartment in time to enjoy holiday movies and drink warm tea and eat the end of my cookies.

Saturday morning I woke up early and drove to my friends house to go for a hike. They live in the coast range and as I turned the corner to get near their house, the snow began to fall and it was a beautiful start to my morning. My car tires were spinning out on the road, but I made it to their house safely. We took off hiking in the beautiful falling snow and walked through the woods. We saw many animal tracks and spent the morning in a winter wonderland.

I then returned to my apartment and cleaned it from top to bottom. Saturday night I wathced more holiday movies in anticipation of my travelling to see family the next day.

Woke up Sunday and I went out for breakfast. Just me, a cup of coffee, a news paper and a great amount of food. My friend came to pick me up around 1 and drove me to Portland. We walked around downtown for a while, entered Powell's books, walked through the lobby of the Hilton and played "Is this a good idea." She then dropped me off a the train station and I was only there for about one hour before the full trail left from the station.

I sat in my chair and started my book for the vacation. After Vancouver I went to the Lounge car, charged my phone and read more. As we steadily passed through the gorge and into Eastern Washington, I steadily turned page after page of my book and made great headway. I took out my laptop and played some solitare when my eyes needed a rest from the page turning. I stepped out of the train in Spokane, went through the station among sleeping passengers, luggage, and empty shops. I found a restaurant open that served pancakes and hashbrowns. Three dollars later, I ate my food back on the platform in 0 degree weather before reboarding and watching Youtube clips on my cellphone. I did fall asleep after we started moving but only for a few hours. I was awakened with a stiff back and cold shoulders. I moved back to the lounge car and proceeded to finish my book amidst intermitten sleeping periods.

I arrived in Whitefish around 8:30 am and was greeted by my brother in weather teetering around zero. He drove me to his work and then I proceeded to his house where his wife and son awaited my arrival. This is the first time I had met my nephew. At 7.5 weeks old, he spends much of his time in Mom's arms, getting carried up steps, getting moved through the air and also being fed.....every 2 hours. I enjoyed my time conversing with my sister-in-law and spending time around the baby.

Through the next few days we stayed at their house, with a tree, a fire and family. It was beautiful. We did go to dinner at a neighbors house and had a great time shopping for out upcoming road trip.

We then took off for the farm where I grew up. We made it in the late afternoon and were greeted by my parents as well as my Mother's sisters family. We ate a feast, and then retired near the fire for conversation.

The next day we went to my uncle's farm and skated on the reservoir. We had to spend about an hour pushing away the 5 inches of powdery snow, trying to make enough room to skate around. We hit around hockey pucks and rediscovered how to skate on frozen water. We had a blast. I then stayed over with my cousin to play pinochle with family before dinner. After dinner we played a group game of taboo with lots of cookies and laughter.

On Christmas Eve, we woke up and celebrated by opening our presents. We all then ate a great brunch and played games througout the afternoon. We then went to an evening church service and I was able to see some of my old friends. Although breif, it was great to meet a new baby, hug old teachers, and check in on family friends.

We then stayed up late playing games.

Xmas day. I woke up and helped cook a great breakfast, then proceeded to go x-country skiing through our yard(s). It had warmed up to around 40, and I was in a long sleeve tee shirt and did not use gloves. It was a beautifully sunny experience and made me long for more sunshine and winter sports in Oregon. As I returned to the house, my cousin and mother were beginning to build a snowman. They had great snow for it and used lots of accessories. There was some unsure participants when we brought up the idea of innertubing behind the pickup, a snowy tradition, but luckily most everyone decided to go. We had too much fun getting sprayed in the face going 25 miles an hour behind a pickup and rolling off giggling into snowbanks.

We got back in time for a delicious duck dinner. We all stuffed our bellys and played games and enjoyed each others company as the evening came and turned to night. We watched a few X-mas movies and everyone slowly dispersed packing for the next travel phase of the break. I am leaving for the Chicago area in the morning. I will be driving with my parents, sister in law and nephew. Aunts, Uncles and Cousins were all returning home and I am just recently the last one up. I have filled my winter cup but cannot wait to see my other siblings and aunts, uncles as well as my only living grandparent. We are gathering for New Years and it should be a great ending to my year. Merry Christmas and Peace to you all.